Participating in the upcoming conference
ICSR this year will be held on Discord+Zoom. Registrants should have received a link to the Discord Server sent Sun Nov. 8. If you don’t have such an email please check your spam folder. Zoom links will be sent out soon.
See ICSR program for details. Note: The conference will be held over Zoom with the use of Discord for interaction among participants. All registrants (or invitees) will receive links in the next couple of days. You should have received information about Discord sent via email.
The cost of attendance is $10 for non-authors. We hope that this low price will allow a broader participation. Please go to the registration site (registration link) to register.
The ICSR 2020 organizing committee hopes that you are safe and well.
Due to the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and status of future travel to the United States, ICSR 2020 will offer a virtual option for those individuals that do not wish to attend the conference in person. This option will be included in the conference registration system. Reduced registration fees are yet to be determined.
The organizing committee recognizes that in-person attendance is a critical learning opportunity for students. Students contribute and benefit from conference participation in a variety of different ways that may be difficult to replicate virtually. We nevertheless intend to seek effective methods to foster student development regardless of whether the conference is held virtually or in-person. To that end, we are considering:
- Put greater effort and funding towards conference-level publicity and marketing for accepted papers in order to ensure that the broader community learns about the research presented at the conference.
- Highly encourage conference participants to attend as many talks as possible and attempt to ensure a minimum number of attendees at each session .
- Virtual coffee breakout sessions
- Virtual “speed-meeting” breakout sessions (in which participants cycle between short paired research conversations in two-minute virtual breakout rooms).
- Facilitated/moderated breakout sessions
- Virtual meet & greet with robot exhibitors, and with both companies and departments hiring in robotics
- Virtual social evening gatherings
- Scribe live-monitoring chat questions during presentations and keynotes
- Addition of virtual polls to presentations
The 12th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020) will be held virtually on November 14-18, 2020. This conference will bring together academics, researchers, and industry focused on the developing social robots and understanding how these systems will be integrated into the fabric of our society.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Entertaining Robots’, which is meant to be a play on words signifying that robots can serve as captivating social agents but also suggesting the challenges associated with managing these artifacts. In the near future robots will be entering our social world taking on a wide variety of roles. This conference offers a venue for researchers and those interested in social robots to examine the progress that is being made towards the creation of social robots. ICSR 2020 will foster discussion related to the innovative approaches to developing social robots, the promise new robotic technologies, and possible positive and negative influences of social robots on society.
The conference welcomes original contributions describing technically rigorous scientific and philosophical advances in the area of social robotics and AI: innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, novel applications on the latest fundamental advances in the core technologies that form the backbone of social robotics, distinguished developmental projects, as well as seminal works in aesthetic design, ethics and philosophy, studies on social impact and influence pertaining to social robotics, and its interaction and communication with human beings and its social impact on our society.
Because of the pandemic, we realize that it may not be possible for some researchers to conduct studies involving human subjects. Thus, survey papers and meta-analysis are also encouraged. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots
- Context awareness, expectation, and intention understanding
- Control architectures for social robotics
- Human augmentation, rehabilitation, and medical robots
- Interaction and collaboration among robots, humans, and environments
- Personal robots for the home
- Robot applications in education, entertainment, and gaming
- Robot ethics in human society
- Robots that can adapt to different users
- Robots to assist the elderly and persons with disabilities
- Robots with personality
- Safety in robots working in human spaces
- Socially assistive robots to improve quality of life
- Social acceptance and impact in the society
- Socially appealing design methodologies
- Teleoperation, telepresence and remote interaction
Submission of Papers
Submissions must be made in the PDF format and follow the Springer LNCS/LNAI style for the layout. All papers will be refereed by the program committee. Full papers are limited to ten pages. Detailed instructions for paper submission are available here: LNCS style templates are available on the Springer LNCS website.
Participants are invited to hold workshops on topics relevant to social robotics. Proposals on workshops will be considered by the organizing committee.
Our ability to host a competition may depend on the pandemic. We will update the conference webpage with information about the competition at a later date.
Our ability to host exhibitors may depend on the pandemic. We will update the conference webpage with information for exhibitors at a later date.
The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020) will be published by Springer International Publishing as part of the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (LNAI). The proceedings of the conference are indexed by Springer Link and Scopus. Selected papers will be invited for publication as a Special Issue in the International Journal of Social Robotics (Fall 2021).
Keynote Speakers
Coming soon.