Corpus callosum tsb5226

Epilepsy is a long-term neurological disorder that can cause epileptic seizures.  An option to reduce or stop the amount of seizures is to cut the corpus callosum, which is the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain.  Although cutting the corpus callosum can stop epileptic seizures, the connection between the two sides of the brain becomes more difficult to send information to each other.  Now after the brain is severed, the brains can think independently.

In the link above is a video a egg factory worker Joe, a man with epilepsy who has had his corpus callosum cut to stop the seizures.  They first show Joe being given the task to draw two different shapes at the same time with both hands.  As he is given the two shapes, Joe’s two hemispheres are able to think independently and draw each individual shape at the same time.  With cutting the corpus callosum, psychologists were able to determine that language is held in the left hemisphere of the brain using the experiment to close the left eye and have an image shown on the right side of the computer.  As the word was shown, the left side of the brain responds and tells Joe to correctly say the word.  With attempting the other eye and the left side, the brain perceives the word given but can have the body speak the word.  The special trick with the right brain is that even though it doesn’t know language, it can use the left hand to draw what the word was to indicate to the right side of the brain.

Cutting the corpus callosum really explains the brain into more depth showing how the left side of the brain can show language and giving Joe the ability the desire to explain.  With the right side of the brain, it has the ability to recognize faces.  Joe does not have his epileptic seizures reduced and continues to work in an egg factory, so having his corpus callosum cut does not affect his daily life in the egg factory a negative way.

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