False memories?

Being nineteen years old now the baby ages are basically forgotten but I want to believe that I can still remember significant stories from that age.  When I was three years old I lived in Orlando Florida and I was doing my normal routine of playing with my yellow plastic ABC blocks in my basement.  From my memory, I remember sitting in the middle of the basement on the white carpet with my whole family downstairs hanging out.  I don’t remember why I thought it would be a good idea to stick the block in my mouth but I did the normal child thing and took the challenge.  As I accomplished the goal, the block was half way in my mouth and I attempted to pull out the block, but it was stuck… I remember running up to my mom crying and screaming in different tones since I couldn’t form words with this object in the way. My mother squeezed her right hand in between the block and the edge of my lips.  I asked my parents last weekend to find out what was real about this story and found out the real truth of it.  I was in the basement and the block was lodged in my mouth, but my dad was the only one in the room,  I was four and by then I had moved to my house in Pittsburgh and my father laughed at me as I struggled to yank the block back out.  I was dead set that this story in my mind was so detailed that it had to be real and my memory was set in stone but instead the more I thought about it I guess the more skewed the story became.  Now with the new story in my head I vaguely remember it, but waiting for me to alter that story.

4 thoughts on “False memories?

  1. Anita Lung

    This was such a funny story. How did you mix up the real place you were at from the fake place? You totally changed what had actually happened up! But, that happens to me a lot too! I remember a part of a memory and the parts that I forget, I make up a story to fill it. I remember that my friend, Anna had a birthday party back in 5th grade. Everyone was talking about it recently, and I could have swore I went and caked my friend in the face and had a blast. But in reality, I was at home sick in bed. I really thought I went because all my friends were talking about it. I was probably remembering some other party and taking bits of experiences from another party and constructing a story that I had went to Anna’s birthday party, thinking its a recollection of the event itself but instead it is just a construction. This is how we create false memories! Thanks for your story! I enjoyed it, eating a block!

  2. Tashawna Q Page

    This was a great story, and it is so true. We do create a lot of memories for ourselves. I always thought I feared dogs because when I was younger I told one dog to jump on me and four of them did. It turns out that, that story isn’t true and it may have been a dream I had. I am really afraid of dogs because when I was younger a dog bit my brother, and my mother conditioned me to fear them. It’s funny how I created that false memory for myself and for a long time I actually believed that, that was why I was afraid of dogs. I would even tell people that I was afraid of dogs for that reason. It’s funny how we create these false memories for ourselves and actually believe them for a long period of time.

  3. Tashawna Q Page

    This was a great story, and it is so true. We do create a lot of memories for ourselves. I always thought I feared dogs because when I was younger I told one dog to jump on me and four of them did. It turns out that, that story isn’t true and it may have been a dream aI had. I am really afraid of dogs because when I was younger a dog bit my brother and my mother conditioned me to fear them. It’s funny how I created that false memory for myself and for a long time I actually believed that

  4. Sierra Ec Weaver

    I think this is so interesting because I filled in a lot of fake memories in one of my childhood memories as well. I wonder why you thought you were in a completely different place than where you thought you were? And you added people who weren’t even there! The mind does amazing things especially when we are younger. Glad to know you’re okay after that block incident though! The saying “Don’t be such a blockhead” really came into play lol

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