Have you ever had a pet and wanted to teach them to perform a trick or do a certain behavior? Shaping is an excellent method that’s used for these tasks. Shaping, as defined by Professor Wede from class, is a technique used to guide a certain behavior closer towards the desired behavior. Many people associate this type of teaching with pets, usually dogs. For example, if one wanted to teach their dog to roll over, they first need to get the dog to sit, then lay down and then ultimately roll over. A type of reward should be used in order for the dog to understand that they are doing something that is pleasing to their owner.
Last summer, my parents and I got a new puppy, Sophie. Since Sophie was still so young when we first brought her home, we did not really focus on teaching her tricks, rather we focused on simple commands like coming when she is called and to sit. After the housebreaking process, Sophie was able to let us know when she needed to go outside. Since our yard does not have a fence, we still take her out on the leash so she does not get too far from the house. The sight of the leash is really exciting for Sophie, so she tends to jump up and bite the leash while we try to hook it to her collar. In order to try to stop the jumping, we tell Sophie to sit by the door. When she would eventually sit, we give her some sort of reward, usually a treat or a small piece of cheese, and then praise her for sitting. Now, after Sophie has told us she needs to go outside, she immediately goes to the door to sit down and wait for us to the put the leash on her collar. I will admit, she still gets pretty wild when she sees the leash, but she calms down enough for us to be able to easily put on the leash.
Shaping is a very helpful and easy method to use when it comes to training animals. Positive reinforcement is also used in shaping because the trainer is using positive stimuli to increase a specific behavior. When Sophie would successfully sit when we asked, we would reward her with food. This presentation of a positive stimuli teaches Sophie that sitting is a good thing, and she will increase performing that specific behavior in the future.