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New York Trip Round Two

December 10, 2012 by Taylor Kantner   

About a week ago, my friends and I spontaneously decided to take a trip to New York. We stayed at one of my friends houses in north Jersey and went to the city for the day on Saturday. It was the first day of December and we couldn’t wait to see the tree. My friend, Cory, being the most excited since she’s from Arkansas and never had seen the tree in person before. She wouldn’t let us go see it until it got dark out, so the rest of the day we we spent at Madame Tussauds wax museum, Times Square  and the Hard Rock Cafe. By the time it got dark, we were all so excited to see the tree! Even me when I’ve seen it almost every year. Rockefeller Center was crazy busy at the time we went to go to the tree. It was busier than it ever had been when I had gone before. Nonetheless we all got to see the breathtakingly beautiful tree and even witnessed two proposals down on the ice rink. The day was perfect and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to spend it with.  I also loved how great it turned out despite the fact that it was so spontaneous. I think sometimes we all need to just do something unplanned and spontaneous. It was such a great fun-filled day with some of my best friends. We were able to get away from the stress of finals approaching and I think it was just what we needed.


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