There are two ways you can use this activity sheet. The first way is to write a letter to your future self. Doing so can provide some relief by allowing you to get out all of your worries and hopes for the future. When you read your letter later on it can be freeing to know that while you may always struggle with doubts and uncertainty, you will be okay. You may also read about a time that was particularly painful or stressful but has since made you a stronger person, or turned into a great opportunity down the road. It is nice to be reminded that things generally turn out fine even if you can’t see it in the moment. These letters can also be an excellent opportunity to practice self-acceptance and self-love. Talking about your future self in a kind, amazed, and accepting way not only helps you begin that process of self-acceptance but will be like a warm hug when you open the letter later on. Another way to approach these letters would be to use it as an opportunity to practice gratitude. What things have happened to you this year, this semester, etc., that you are grateful for and want to remember in the future? Finally, these letters can be a place for self-reflection. What do you really want for yourself in a years’ time, 5 years’ time? Writing it down may help you manifest these goals reminds us to focus on what brings us joy, not what society deems makes us “successful”.

The second way to use this sheet is to create a postcard that you will never send. Inspired by the art project, Post Secret, this activity invites you to tell a secret, get out some frustration, hurt, a crush, etc., that you have no plans of ever telling anyone. Paint, collage, or draw out your feelings or an explanation of the situation on the front side of the postcard and use the back to address the imagined recipient of your postcard directly. Check out Post Secret for inspiration and instructions on how to submit your postcard if you would like to be a part of the project.

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