Using the six strategies listed below may remind you to slow down, enjoy your meal and commit to eating mindfully. Practice at your next meal or snack! Check out this video to get started: 

Mindful Eating Video 

Notice Your Food 

Before anything goes in your mouth, take a deep breath and look at your food. Notice how much of it there is. Then consider how that relates to how hungry you feel? Has it been presented attractively? Would you have done it differently? It doesn’t matter whether your assessments are positive or negative so long as you’re taking the time to think about it. 

Consider Variety 

Think of trail mix as an example. Are there raisins in there, or cranberries? Are there seeds or nuts? Are there chocolate pieces? Take a minute to notice and appreciate your food’s ingredients. 

Take in the Aroma 

What do you notice? Does it smell sweet or savory? Does it smell stale or fresh? Can you identify some ingredients from the aroma?

Observe Texture 

With every mouthful, note your food’s texture and try to put a word to it. Be specific with your description, as if you were going to write a review. 

Is it Hot, Cold, Room Temperature? 

Has what you’re eating been in the fridge? Is it at the ideal temperature for you or is it a little too hot or too cold? How do you like it best? 

Savor the Flavors 

Imagine that you didn’t see what you put in your mouth. Can you identify it? Can you, for example, tell the difference between chicken and fish? Is it the favor or is it the texture that you recognize?

Nutritious Snacks

  • Trail mix (see Healthworks recipe
  • Apple/banana/celery + peanut butter 
  • Whole grain crackers + hummus 
  • Protein bar (look for 10+ g protein, <10 g sugar, and at least 5 g fber) 
  • Grapes/apple slices + cheese 
  • Yogurt + granola 
  • Hard boiled egg + avocado 
  • Raw veggies + dip 
  • Dried fruit + nut 
  • Popcorn, light oil/salt 


Harris, Cheryl. “Mindful Eating – Studies Show This Concept Can Help Clients Lose Weight and Better Manage Chronic Disease.” Today’s Dietitian, Great Valley Publishing, Mar. 2013,

Ragone, Regina, and Susan Mitchell. “6 Strategies for More Mindful Eating.” Food & Nutrition, Food & Nutrition Magazine, 27 Jan. 2017,

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