It’s never a good idea to try to get by with too little fuel. Doing this with your car can have much worse consequenses than just running out of gas and being stranded. In some cars the fuel pump is actually located inside the gas tank, and the gasoline surrounding it serves to keep it cooler. By letting the tank run too long without the cooling of the gas, the fuel pump can run too hot and eventually burn up. Also, running with the tank low on fuel will allow greater risk of your engine picking up some of the dirt and sediment that may have settled on the bottom of your fuel tank. And all of this can add up to costly repairs that could have been avoided by keeping the fuel supply up.
The same is true with the human body. While it may be tempting at stressful times like the exam period to skip out on the three fuels that run the body (food, water, and sleep), this will only be more costly for you in the long run. Eat well and eat regularly. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Fueling up with junk food is the equivalent of putting diesel into your unleaded based car or vice versa. It might work for a while, but in the long run it will cause serious damage. The same goes for sleep. While it may seem that you are able to get by on adreniline and caffeine, your head will not be as clear as it would be if you get a good eight hours of sleep.
Time is at a premium at this very busy time of the semester. But don’t risk damaging your body by not keeping it fueled up.
Good luck on exams!!!