I’ve been spending some time away from State College taking care of my parents in north central Pennsylvania. And I’m amazed at how the cost of things can vary so widely from place to place. The price of a gallon of gas is the same here as in State College, but just about everything else seems to be cheaper. Housing. Groceries. Cable TV. It’s all a lot less expensive here. I noticed a similar reverse sticker-price shock when I relocated from Chicago to Pennsylvania almost 19 years ago. Regional cost of living is something that you always have to take into consideration when making career decisions.
Relocation is something you will consider from time to time through your life. You follow your education. You follow your career. You follow your spouse. You follow your dreams. And it’s a good idea to do your research before you decide rather than jumping in blind. There are a lot of tools available to help you do that. One of my favorites is a great relocation cost of living calculator from PayScale. If you want to focus on just housing, you can easily do that at Zillow or Realtor.com. You can use this study to see how taxes compare from state to state.
Everybody knows that it’s more expensive to live in New York City than in State College, Pennsylvania. But there are a lot of different ways to think about that. Don’t go into a big move blindly only to realize you really can’t afford to be where you’ve already moved to. Do your research and arrive prepared.