I Have To versus I Get To

This weekend one theme kept recurring in my thoughts:  You have to balance the “I have to” with the “I get to.”  If life is all about things that you HAVE to do, you will always be miserable.  So you have to find the joy in everything.  There must be at least SOMEthing that is joyful in everything, right?

This weekend I had to go visit my parents to help them with some yard work and meal preparation.  I had to do the chores for them, but I got to spend some time visiting with my parents (which I know is a luxury that I won’t have forever).  I had to spend almost four hours in my car traveling up and back to the house I grew up in, but I got to listen to a lot of my favorite music and see some beautiful foliage while I was driving.

Mondays are always the hardest day of the week.  I had to come to work after two days away.  But I get to talk with students.  I get to write the Moneywise Tip.  I get to help people.  I get to see the co-workers who have become my friends.  I get to raid the candy dishes housed in the Admissions suite.  I have a lot of “I get tos” that come with my job, and I know that makes me fortunate.  Everyone should choose a career that provides them with “I get to” opportunities.

I have to pay some bills today.  I got paid on Friday and I have some bills that are due at the end of this week.  It’s hard to find the “I get to” in paying bills, but it is in there.  I get to head into the month not having to worry about something outstanding that will come due when I’m not paying attention.  I get to watch the balance due decrease on my mortgage and my car loan.  I get to know that my utilities will stay on and my Netflix will keep running.

When my Subaru didn’t fare well at inspection this year, the bill hurt.  I had to pay it.  But I get to continue driving the car I love, knowing that it is not going to fail me at an inconvenient time.  My refrigerator (that came with my house and I have no idea how old it is) is likely not going to last more than another year.  I’ve noticed some wear on the seal, and that is the kiss of death for a fridge.  I will hate when I have to buy a major appliance.  But I will love when I get to pick out a fridge that meets my needs and makes me happy.

There is a lot of “I have to” involved in law school.  You have to read a case, go to class, go to a meeting, work on a resume, and so on and so on.  But think about the “I get tos” that go along with those things.  They won’t be the same for everyone.  Some people will love sitting in class but hate doing the readings.  For others it will be the reverse.  But it’s important to find your joy where you can.  Think about your “I get tos.”  It makes it a lot easier to manage the “I have tos.”

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