Every once in a while I think it is important to look back at topics I have covered in the past. And one of the more important lessons I think everyone should learn is the difference between a bargain and a value. A bargain is something that you purchase for a great price. A value, however, is something that is well worth the price you pay.
For example, I have two pairs of brown cowboy boots. The first pair I purchased many years ago for a low price of $15. It was a great bargain. Except they weren’t that comfortable. And the soles were pretty slippery. I probably only wore them three times before they were relegated to a shelf in my closet that I can’t reach without a stepstool, where they continue to collect dust. The second pair of cowboy boots I bought at a shop in Nashville when I was there for a conference. It was the ultimate splurge. I paid $130. I don’t think I’ve ever paid that much for any other pair of shoes in my life. But they were super comfortable. I wore them over and over and over again. With dresses. With shorts. With jeans. I wore them so much that I actually wore them out. And then I purchased an identical pair (at a lower price) online so I could keep wearing the boots I love so much. When you calculate it out to the cost per wear (even including the cost of the replacement pair), it probably comes out to one dollar per wear or less. I’ve lost track of how many times I have worn those boots over the years. But they have easily paid for themselves many times over. Those boots were an amazing value (and will continue to be until I wear them out again).
Knowing the difference between a bargain and a value goes a long way toward keeping your purchases smart. A bargain price can be very tempting. But you should always ask yourself a few questions before you make a purchase, even at a bargain price. Do you need it? Will you use it? How many ways will you use it? How long do you expect it to be useful? No matter how low the price, if your purchase isn’t something that you can and will use, it’s not worth buying. My cheap cowboy boots are just clutter that I keep telling myself I need to donate. They are not useful to me. My expensive cowboy boots have been a go-to in my closet for ten years.
Next time you are tempted to buy something because the price is amazing, give it another thought. Is it just a bargain? Or is it a value?