The world is upside down. It feels like we are experiencing 1918, 1929, and 1968 all at the same time. Plus murder hornets. And California is on fire. And even the one thing we could always depend on (the US mail) is a question mark. Due to a global pandemic we have no idea what the next hour holds, let alone tomorrow or next week.
During times like these it’s easy to throw up your hands and say, “Why bother? I can’t do anything that will make a difference.” But you can. You can do SOMETHING. Which is much better than doing NOTHING. You can wear a mask. You can stay home when you’re not in class. You can say no to that questionable party you were invited to. You can encourage your friends to also say no to that questionable party. You can make sure to maintain a six foot distance between you and the next person. It’s SOMETHING. And something is much better than nothing.
Sometimes it will feel like your finances are spinning out of control. It’s easy to see what you CAN’T do and difficult to see what you CAN do. I can’t pay my rent on time. I can’t go out for dinner. I can’t buy that extra textbook. I can’t put gas in my car. But what CAN you do? You can arrange with you landlord to make payment after your student loan comes through. You can make a pot of spaghetti for next to nothing. You can borrow books from friends or from the library. You can take the bus. You can evaluate your belongings to see if there’s anything you don’t need that you can sell. You can pick up a micro-job or gig work. There is always SOMETHING you can do.
The world seems pretty weird right now. It can feel helpless. But you are not helpless. Remember….you can always do SOMETHING!