Tag Archives: injury

The Time to Buy is Now

I hate dealing with health insurance issues.  Everything seems so confusing.  Beyond the premiums, you have to deal with deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and networks.  It feels like the whole system is stacked against the little guy.  But there is one thing that is much worse than dealing with health insurance—not having health insurance.  Modern medicine is amazing.  And amazingly expensive.  So if you go without insurance you are taking a giant risk.  One bicycle accident or unhappy appendix can put you many thousands of dollars in the hole.

Because many students don’t have health insurance from another source, Penn State offers a student health insurance plan that provides great coverage.  The enrollment period stays open until September 3, so you still have a week to get signed up if you need insurance.  It’s not cheap.  Few things that are actually good are also cheap.  But we do have the flexibility to increase federal student loan eligibility to cover the cost of this important purchase.  You just need to stop by the Law School’s Financial Aid Office (in suite 105) or send me an email (sab36@psu.edu) and I’ll help you through the process.

The right time to buy health insurance is right now.  The wrong time to buy health insurance is when it’s too late and you need it.