There’s something refreshing about the start of a new calendar year and a new semester. A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions. But I think most people go about their resolutions in the wrong way. And doing that makes it easier to fall off the wagon.
Possibly the most popular of all resolutions is the vow to lose weight. I’ve made and broken this resolution multiple times. Because it’s easy to break a promise to yourself to do something. So this year I resolved to live like a healthy person. Healthy people make better food choices. Healthy people exercise. Healthy people take the stairs instead of the elevator. I’m not going to DO something. I’m going to BE something. I’m going to be a healthy person. As a result of that behavior, I will likely lose some weight (I hope, I hope, I hope). And if I have a bad day of living a healthy lifestyle, I won’t feel like I have failed the whole project. I can wake up the next morning and still live like a healthy person.
Many folks also resolve to spend less money. Or to build a budget. Or to save more. This is always on the top of my mind as well. This year I’m choosing to be someone who makes smart money decisions. I’m not going to DO. I’m going to BE. People who are smart with money pay themselves first. This means I’ve got an automated savings deposit scheduled for every month….and what is left after that is the amount I have to live on. Financially savvy people know where their money goes. This means I am tracking my spending. I can easily look up how much I spend each month on various budget items. And if an area of expenditure seems to be getting out of control (as so often happens in the month of December), I know that I need to make adjustments going forward. And most importantly, people who are smart with money don’t spend on things that are not important to them. Live music is important to me. My home is important to me. My camper van (or home away from home) is important to me. I don’t feel bad about spending money on indulging these three things. Clothing is not important to me, so I always buy secondhand. Cars are not important to me, so I drive a 13 year old Subaru. Fancy coffee is not important to me, so I brew at home and carry it to work in my travel mug. There are a lot of places in my budget that I could easily spend more money on things that are not of importance to me. But that’s not who I want to BE.
Have you made any resolutions for the new year? Who are you planning to be?