Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Giving Thanks

This week most of the United States takes a pause to celebrate the things we are thankful for.  And while I’m definitely grateful for turkey and pie, there are so many more things that make me grateful for what I have.  I’d like to make it my tradition to recount my blessings each year.

My family is just as dysfunctional as anyone’s.  My sister and I don’t see eye to eye politically.  My brother and sister don’t particularly like my husband.  My parents don’t manage well when things are different in any way from how it’s always been done.  In short….it’s a bit chaotic.  But we’re all going to be together on Thursday.  I know my parents don’t have many holidays left, so it’s important that we all gather together when we are able.  We’ll fight a little.  We’ll talk about how my brother hates pie.  And we’ll put our own brand of fun in the dysfunction.  I’m grateful that we’ll be together.

My house is small.  It needs a good cleaning as well as quite a few repairs.  But it’s cozy and meets my needs perfectly.  When I’m there with my husband and our cats, I know that I’m truly home.

My cars are old.  They’re far from perfect.  My 14 year old Prius is in the shop right now.  I’m hoping to get another year or so out of it, but today’s diagnosis will help me make that decision. My Subaru is 10 years old and required some work to pass inspection this year, but it’s always ready to tackle snow or mud or a camping trip to anywhere.

I’ve never jetted off to Europe or taken a cruise.  But this year I had the chance to spend some time camping with my husband.  We enjoyed the beauty of the Midwest and of the Appalachian mountains by way of Subaru and tiny camper, and I’m so grateful that we were able to do that.

I’ve had the same job for almost 20 years.  It’s not always perfect.  I haven’t advanced my career in a very long time.  But that is by choice. I love what I do.  I can’t imagine doing anything else for a living.  How many people get to spend their entire career helping people to achieve their dreams?

A wise friend once told me that there are two ways to be rich.  One is to have everything you want.  The other is to want what it is you have.  And this week as we celebrate the things we are thankful for, I feel very rich indeed.