The Facility will be closed November 27 – December 1, 2019.
Happy Halloween!
Stop by and scoop some cat litter or have some candy!
We have been visited by the Schrodinger’s Cat!
Plate reader in 3 Althouse
This is a friendly reminder that the plate reader is a shared instrument, and many researchers rely on it being maintained in good condition. While it is free for everyone to use, it is not free to repair and maintain. Please be courteous to your colleagues and take good care of the plate reader.
Please close the drawer, turn off the instrument and the computer, and cover the instrument before leaving.
Regrettably, I am unable to clean after facility visitors and check the plate reader area; and I thank everyone who helps to keep the plate reader area in my laboratory clean and tidy.
Yesterday, the reader was left turned on and open: not a good thing given the amount of dust and sand coming out of the AC ducts in the lab. (It is a very old building.)
Lost power last night
Restoring the equipment back to operating conditions.
Ultraflextreme MALDI TOF-TOF is down
What is proteomics: Tutorials from Proteome Software
If you are interested in learning how proteins are identified using mass-spectrometry-based proteomics, Proteome Software website has an excellent collection of short and informative essays.
Biotyper library update
We have updated the Biotyper library which now contains 6903 entries. More than 80 new yeast MSPs and more than 400 each Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial MSPs were included in this update.
March 3, 2016
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