Risking It All

In many times in our lives where we take risk that may be dangerous to ourselves and the people around us.  In Eyal Press’s book Beautiful Souls his characters all took chances that risked there lives and also their careers. One of his characters named Leyla Wydler took a risk when she stood up for what she believed in.  In the company she was working for, Stanford International Bank, where they were selling loans to clients that were not insured. She is a true hero for her reckless actions. In the ending result of her actions, she lost her career, was sued by her employer, and lost a lot of money. She had a lot of problems in finding a new job because she was ostracized for her actions. So why did Leyla take such a risk? Leyla could have remained silent and pretend that she did not know about their employer’s plan, but she knew that it was not right for her to do such a thing. She needed to stand up and reveal what was actually going on in the company. She is considered a “whistleblower” which is defined as one who reveals wrongdoing within an organization to the public or to those in positions of authority. This may seem to have a negative connotation, but really it’s a positive thing. She should be appreciated and praised for her actions as a whistleblower.

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