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Out Of Time, or You Can’t Always Get What You Want

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Out Of Time, or You Can’t Always Get What You Want


This poem explores something a little different from anything we have here in the US. Yesterday the Rolling Stones played to celebrate 50 years of existence. Reportedly, Prince Charles said he wished the queen would “get off of his cloud” (a Stones lyric). This poem explores that. Basically, it’s talking about how Prince Charles is already really old, in fact he’s the longest serving heir apparent in British History. Imagine if you were the heir to the highest position in a country, it was yours almost without a doubt, except that the person you’d be replacing, your mother, seemed poised to outlive you. Imagine how you’d feel. I think it would be a horrid mix of feelings. Everybody likes power, whether they’ll act to get it is where we differ. Most people love their family too. So part of Charles is probably wishing the queen would die already, or at least abdicate, so he can assume the throne. But part of him is probably also wishing his mother a long and healthy life. It’s an interesting dilemma nobody here in the US will likely ever face. I mean granted some of us are related to royalty, King John II of England was my 28th great grandfather or something of the sort. But in all foreseeable future I will not ever assume a throne.


I suppose my point is that there are some people out there who live in completely different worlds than us. They experience all of the same feelings but the end result is completely different. If there’s anything to take away from this poem, let it be this:


Everybody is different. People live different lives with different goals and different beliefs. But that doesn’t make them any better or any worse than anyone else. Every person is a human and as a human they deserve equality in life.

  1. Leah Giralico says:

    This is an interesting blog post. Sometimes (all the time) I wish I was a real princess, not just the one I act like every day of the year.

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