Tiki Toki Timeline
An interactive timeline of information, events, and research related to ceramic water filters. This timeline was produced with support from an MRI Humanitarian Materials Initiative grant, The Pennsylvania State University.
How to Make a Ceramic Water Filter
Water Information
Basic Information about Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants and Indicators (EPA)
Water Research and Education at Penn State
Safe Water for 1 Billion People
Mindmeister Mindmaps
A bibliography compiled by Henry Pisciotta, Arts and Architecture Librarian at Penn State, in support of Collaborative Creative Resistance. This bibliography offers publications and some “starter” web sites, for those interested in learning more about art and art education focused on sustainability and community action.
Carpenter, B. S., Cornelius, A.,* & Sherow, E.* (2010). Water: Contemporary art and social issues. Art Education, 63(6), 25-32.
This Instructional Resource is based on our current efforts as part of an interdisciplinary project where artists, community members, engineers, social activists, and educators are working together to make positive change in people’s lives. Water, as a subject, symbol, and life-sustaining substance, is the focus of our our work and the interdisciplinary curriculum it has inspired. We have found that interdisciplinary approaches in partnership with inspiration from real life social issues can provide central point of focus or a series of meaningul learning experiences that relate to current interests in global and green movements (Anderson, 2000; Simon, 2006), sustainability (Chilman, 2004), and contemporary social projects (Coutts & Rusling, 2002; Taylor, 2002)