Our solution entails a small compute unit connected to inertial measurement sensors contained within a 3D-printed enclosure mounted via an elastic headband. The device is compatible with any computer capable of handling a USB joystick input including Windows computers and Xbox consoles.
Author Archive | Zhigao Liang
Gaming Head Mouse: An adaptive controller for limited mobility
Simple Prototype AAC Grid Application for Usability Testing The Pennsylvania State University
Our goal was to develop an AAC app to support research into specific design features, including the impact of motion on vocabulary acquisition
Steer Baby Steer: Adaptive Ride-on Car Mechanical Steering Modifications University of Washington
The goal of this project was to design an affordable, mechanical steering solution that allows children with disabilities to control their ROC
Toothbrush Buddy University of Pittsburgh
The Toothbrush Buddy’s final design uses an off-the-shelf dispenser with newly designed 3D printed track and lever attachments, and a feedback mechanism.
AAHAR AMIGO BV Raju Institute of Technology
An automatic self-food feeding device that can serve as an assistive device to support and provide help to people suffering from different movement disabilities, partially paralyzed and with conditions of the slow moment, improper coordination, muscle tremors, and facing challenges in eating.
PUFF-PUFF MOUSE-MOUSE BV Raju Institute of Technology
Bhavya p, Aditya R Aryamaan, Shambhavi Sudugula & Sura Saiteja Our lives have changed a lot post-pandemic. We are using digital devices like laptops more than ever. After experiencing remote learning/working, we are now very close to bidding farewell to conventional methods of learning through books and pens. The usage of laptops& desktops is inevitable […]
SoloTie: A one-handed hair tie developed for patients recovering from a stroke University of Houston
This hair tie consists of an elastic band looped through a plastic bead, that can be tightened with one hand to secure the hair into a ponytail. When the elastic is tight around the ponytail, the excess is wrapped around the ponytail and looped around the bead.
Bait A Hook: A fishing tool Drake University
A fishing tool that allows a person, regardless of ability, to independently bait a live worm on a hook.
Fingernail Trimmer Assistive Brace University of Houston
A device developed for patients with muscle spasticity to assist with trimming fingernails.
Carrom Board for Visually Challenged People Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women
The project aims at making visually challenged children happy by modifying the physical structure of the conventional board and adding some electronics to it.