This contains a load cell that has a high-speed response and rapid weighing. It announces the weight of the device for every 50 grams while the bowl is filling and the other solid weight up to 3 kgs. The displayed output is announced through the speaker. This makes visually impaired women independent.
Author Archive | Zhigao Liang
Kitchenette Weighing Scale for Women
Toilet Alarm System Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women
The proposed system establishes easy communication by sensing their position. This activates the communication mechanism in which the intern sends a signal to their caretakers.
Tranqui Lift University of Pittsburgh
An inclusive approach to greater accessibility & comfort in recreational activities for wheelchair users.
Adaptive Protection Carroll University
To prevent any sustainable injuries, we have created a product that can protect a user’s knees and feet and provide a layer of shock-absorbing technology to protect the user from harm.
Retail Ring Carroll University
Tailor Ring is an adjustable shirt with attachable and detachable arm rings to create a shirt that is easy, adjustable, and comfortable to put on.
TOZURE Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women
Our device can detect movements of the tongue, and jerks occurring in the body, and it can detect both symptoms at a time using sensors. When a person is being attacked by a seizure, our device can identify them and send a notification to their helpers.
Marco for Marco Universidad Anáhuac Norte
This consists of a tactile tablet with a laser-cutter acrylic case with interchangeable templates that allow the user to write in a delimited area and make various diagrams.
Assistive Hanger for People with Upper Extrimity Impairment Carnegie Mellon University
Assistive hanger uses a pin-in-a-slot mechanism to enable users to close and expand the hanger arms. The product seeks to enable users experiencing these conditions to easily place their clothes on a clothes hanger for storage and remove the articles of clothing from the hanger for wearing.
Size-Adjustable Powered Wheelchair Rowan University
With input from multiple specialists, the team has developed an adjustable frame compatible with adult-sized chairs but capable of fitting patients aged 2-18. The seat’s size changes to the correct size by adjusting the hand brakes and sliding components. This solution allows more people to receive the insurance approval that covers the cost of a […]
Rustling Band Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women
The user sets the alarm time by using micro buttons and the real-time clock keeps on counting the time. Whenever it reaches to threshold time, it alerts the user by using the vibrator placed on the wrist band and by using RF communication it can alert the user when the doorbell is ringing and also […]