Motus, a rehabilitation device that couples pendulum arm swings with bipedal gait for patients with mobility impairment. Includes an adjustable interface, XYZ-axis moving arms, rotating handles, and motion-sensitive cameras.

University of Houston
Motus, a rehabilitation device that couples pendulum arm swings with bipedal gait for patients with mobility impairment. Includes an adjustable interface, XYZ-axis moving arms, rotating handles, and motion-sensitive cameras.
University of Pittsburgh
One and a half inches of PVC pipe attached to the fishing rod with a handle. Slingshot band is the primary mechanism to launch the hide-a-hook bobber.
University of Manitoba
Anti-Gravity Device: An assistive device for children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy used to support movement of user’s limbs to improve muscle development and strength.
University of Pittsburgh
The product photo consists of the final design prototype. It is a grey PVC handle attached to a metallic black ball and socket joint and clamp mechanism. The white PVC pipe handle is held in the clamp. A knife is inserted into the pipe through the rubber cover and held internally by displaced plastic brush […]
B.V. Raju Institute of Technology
GYREX – An Alternative Augmented Communication Device
University of Toronto
An assistive device that is affordable, accessible, and overall superior in facilitating the dressing of a bra with one functional arm.
Stanford University
Abby’s Camping Cot Tool bending a Thermarest UltraLite Cot Leg for assembly