Hi, my name is Amanda Torhus, I am a Sophomore in the Smeal College of Business and I am planning to be a Supply Chain Management major.
(i) I am taking this course because a friend had recommended it to me. In addition to that, I saw it in an article that was called “Gen Eds That Don’t Suck” which explained it to be a great class.
(ii) I am not going to be a science major for a few reasons. I did well in all my science courses but never enjoyed it. Science never came easy to me and I realized quickly that my brain worked better in different ways. Business was something that I always knew I was passionate about so it made no sense to major in something other than that.
I’m super excited you posted that link and I’m glad this class won’t suck. I definitely plan on taking more classes from that list now. Here are some other cool classes that they don’t offer here but definitely should.
I am also enrolled in the Smeal College of Business!
I’m super excited you posted that link and I’m glad this class won’t suck. I definitely plan on taking more classes from that list now. http://www.buzzfeed.com/sbkasulke/23-awesomely-weird-college-classes-to-enroll-in-immediately Here are some other cool classes that they don’t offer here but definitely should.