My First Blog Post

(i) When I was making my schedule for this semester I had all of my classes picked out except for one, and that would be this one. I was able to choose between a math or science class and I figured science was the better option for me. I was looking for an easy science class that would fit nicely into my schedule in order to fulfill my science requirement.

(ii) I am not majoring in science because none of the science classes I have taken in previous years have interested me. Every year it just seemed to be repetition of something I learned before but still did not really understand. Also, it really bothers me not knowing a definite answer. I have a really hard time learning things that could or could not be true and trying to expand on the ideas of those things.



9 thoughts on “My First Blog Post

  1. Byanca Melissa Rodriguez Villanueva

    Is funny that you pointed out of not be sure of a result or the answers to something, I feel the same! That is maybe why I majoring in business because there is no more real thing that doing business around the world and there always be an answer.

  2. Sarah Abdallah

    Channing Tatum is so good in that movie. Especially in Biology. Heres a link to the 22 Jump Street website so you can check it out if you haven’t already.

  3. Anna Michelle James

    I feel the same way! The textbooksacted like everything was absolutely true, but in 20 years we could discover something that proves everything we ever learned was completely wrong. If my high school teachers admitted that instead of trying to force us to believe it, then maybe I would’ve liked science more.

  4. Anna Michelle James

    I feel the same way! The textbooks acted like everything was absolutely true, but in 20 years we could discover something that proves everything we ever learned was completely wrong. If my high school teachers admitted that instead of trying to force us to believe it, then maybe I would’ve liked science more.

  5. Anna Michelle James

    I feel the same way! The textbooks acted like everything was absolutely true, but in 20 years we could discover something that proves everything we ever learned was completely wrong. If my high school teachers admitted that instead of trying to force us to believe it, then maybe I would’ve liked science more.

  6. Megan Margaret Moyer

    I would have to say that I completely agree with you! I find it so difficult and extremely frustrating to not always have a definite answer to a question. I always feel like there’s is more information to learn and that we’re never going to know the full answer to any question. Like Andrew said in class, we learn new things everyday that we never even thought to question before.

  7. Carlynne Anne Wagner

    I don’t really enjoy when an answer is definite. You don thane room to interpret it as you want to, and sometimes it feels as though someone else’s answer is forced upon you. For me it’s much more intriguing when one can analyze a question that has no concrete answer.

  8. Anna Michelle James

    I feel the same way! The textbooks acted like everything was absolutely true, but in 20 years we could discover something that proves everything we ever learned was completely wrong. If my high school teachers admitted that instead of trying to force us to believe it, then maybe I would’ve liked science more.

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