Mini Me

Ça c’est ma premiere poste/ Este es mi primero mensaje/ This is my first post. I’m Whitney Richter, from Montgomery county, PA (right outside of Philadelphia). I am planning on majoring in foreign language education. Surprisingly enough, my father is a biochemist and he very much pushed me to pursue a career in the science field. While I do love my dad and enjoy science and the idea of being able to discover and create new things and challenge old ideas, I just have a better skill set with languages. I am taking this science course because it had the most interesting course description and I need to fill my gen-ed requirement, but I thought I would take more away from a class that caught my attention rather than any other old science class.

One thought on “Mini Me

  1. ajm6121

    That’s amazing that you plan on majoring in foreign language education! Have you ever been abroad? Do you plan on studying abroad? Best of Luck!! That sounds like a fascinating career!!

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