First Post

Hi my name is Chloe Cullen, I’m from Washington, DC, and for now, I’m enrolled in the College of Communications as a AD/PR major. When we were scheduling classes, my academic adviser suggested all of us take a science course. I was confused by the other topics about studying soils and things that generally didn’t interest me, so she told me to take Science 200 because “it’s a science course for non-science people.” I’ve been interested in science but never felt a pull to it. I like the idea of understanding the world around us (ignore the cliche) but when it came down to nitty gritty details (shown in videos like this that I had to use to get me through junior year biology)  I would get completely lost. This explains why I’m not becoming a science major, but I’m taking this class to be able to continue asking questions that no other course – English, Math, Spanish, etc – would be able to answer. Even though I’m not strictly a science person, I am looking forward to having the freedom to continue thinking scientifically. get_file

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