My First Post

Hello! My name is Emily Peacock (yes, like the bird) and I am from Worcester, Massachusetts. I am currently a freshman and hope to major in Public Relations with possibly minor in Portuguese. I am taking this class to fill a GenEd requirement and because the course sounded interesting. It’s not that I necessarily despise science, it just doesn’t interest me as much as other subjects do. My mom studied chemical engineering at Cornell University and always tells me how difficult being an engineer was, so I made the decision not to go down the science path.  I don’t really have any special talents, but this past summer I spent three weeks in Hungary! Also, I’m really into running and have competed in 2 Disney Princess Half Marathons0224ZX_0365PM

2 thoughts on “My First Post

  1. Maryann Deanna Valentine

    Hey Emily. I think it is awesome that you have competed in 2 disney princess half marathons. Funny thing is just a few weeks ago I would have never known what you meant by that! I’d never heard of them before. I was speaking with a buddy of mine at the gym and she was telling me how she was beginning to train for one. I think that is awesome and you should be so proud of yourself. If you are interested in more competitions and events, check out this link to the Penn State Color Run marathon!

  2. Ha Young Kim

    Hey Emily! I am also in college of communications and hopefully I could get into Advertising and Public relations. If you like running, there’s a Mt. Nittany marathon at state college this Sunday! Check this website:

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