About the Author

I guess people are introducing themselves, so, I’m Julia Molchany and I’m a freshman from Allentown, PA. I feel this post is pretty redundant after reading a few other blogs, as I took the class for the same reason as many others; I wasn’t interested in taking a typical science course. As Andrew mentioned, the average high school science class was more memorizing information to perform well on a test than actual scientific thought and experimentation. Since I was required to at least one science course, my advisor recommended this class after I told her I wasn’t much interested in sciences.

I was always interested in a business major, primarily because my dad has an accounting degree (from Penn State) and works as the communications director for a large corporation. I’m aware that science is interesting and extremely vital in today’s society, but I would rather be in the business aspect of it, if anything. I’m excited for this class to think more critically about controversy and certainty in the field!


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