I Hate Science.

Hey everyone! My name is Amanda Reznyk, and I am a freshman beginning my fall semester here at Penn State. I am from a small town in South Jersey, and, just like my title so accurately explains, I hate science.

I’d say it began at an early age, maybe around middle school, when my loathing for science began. When I was choosing my classes for the fall semester, Science In Our World: Certainty & Controversy definitely caught my eye solely because of the course description stating that this class was designed for “non-scientists”, i.e me! Science has never been a strong suit of mine, and I believe it’s because of the way I was taught in middle school and high school. Memorization was always the answer. Memorize this, memorize that…but never was I taught to actually understand what I was being asked to memorize.

As of right now, I am undecided in my major. One thing I do know for sure, though, is it won’t have anything to do with science. I mean, why would I want to major in something that bores me half to death? In choosing this class, one of my goals was to gain an appreciation for science (maybe) and to better understand it. Hopefully, I haven’t already been permanently scarred by the awful science teachings I was exposed to throughout my career in middle and high school.


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