My name is Julia Levine and I’m from Westfield, NJ. I’m undecided right now but I’m thinking about majoring in Human Development and Family Studies or Communication Sciences and Disorders. I took this course because I need to fulfill a science requirement and nothing else looked interesting. This course appealed to me because it was specifically designed for non-science students. Also this class actually looked interesting because you discuss interesting topics such as if aliens exist or not. I am not a science major because I think the formulas or topics in standard science classes such as biology, chemistry and physics are boring. I also don’t understand most of the material I learned throughout high school science, I just memorized it for tests. confused

3 thoughts on “

  1. Julia Molchany

    Another Julia in the class? I guess Julia’s and science just don’t mix. I totally agree with you though; I think science is interesting, I just hated my high school classes. Here’s a nice because I have no idea what else to link up to this!

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