Is Depression a mental disorder ?


Every person in the world will experience hardship, loss, anger, betrayal and sadness. Happiness is not a 24-hour feeling. Emotions vary in life when different events occur but why is it classified as a mental illness to have brief or extended period of sorrow or despair?  Sometimes when I am in bad mood or feeling sorry for myself I jokingly say that I am depressed , but in reality the  events in my life have changed and I have to adapt to them. American doctors and psychiatrists have found a mental disorder for every misfortune in human life today.  Sadness turns into  depression disorder. Angry outburst turn onto bipolar disorder.

People often become depressed due to drastic changes in lifestyle, self-image, lack of physical activity or  lack of good relationships with people. Many things can cause people to go into these  depression periods. Some people go into a depression while other have low periods due to the daily activities in their lives. The difference is that the depressed people do nothing to try and boost their moral they fall into a deep pity for themselves while other people realized that something has to be changed and they move on with life.

Research has been done to help aid the people with the depression (drugs) but no one has proved if the disorder is actually a chemical imbalance in the brain. Of course prescription drugs will alleviate some effects of depression because drug change your body. They are the temporary solution to fixing a someone’s supposed chemical imbalance. They get a temporary high and then fall back down. The only real solution to depression would be from a  change in a person’s attitude and mindset. The drugs are just a clutch to heal post-partum depression, manic depression, dysthymia depression and so on. All the healing a person needs is from within and with time not with drugs that poison your body , create side effects and sometimes make the person worse.

People need to stop allowing doctors and researchers to get rich off of the treatments for mental disorders. They are getting rich while the public is falling deeper into dependence for medications that society has made them think will cure them. Americans need to start thinking of the long-term effects of these drugs on their bodies and minds.


Depression Is Not An Illness: It is an Adaptive Mechanism






4 thoughts on “Is Depression a mental disorder ?

  1. Andrea Marie Linn

    I believe depression is what the person makes out of it. If you do nothing to help yourself, you are never going to get better. I do not believe that depression is genetic. Some people who have depressed parents may do anything in their power to help their parents. It doesn’t mean that with their parents are depressed that they will become depressed. Many people do change emotionally due to a traumatic event but if hey aren’t getting any better they should realize that they need to get help. If someone has depression, there are plenty of people who are more than willing to help.

  2. Abigail Kennedy

    Autumn, while I agree that “chemical imbalances” cannot explain the entirety of a person’s depression, I do not think it is fair to minimize the role they play or to discount medications as a form of treatment. The Harvard Health Publication (What Causes Depression?) says as much too: “depression has many possible causes, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems. It’s believed that several of these forces interact to bring on depression…To be sure, chemicals are involved in this process, but it is not a simple matter of one chemical being too low and another too high. Rather, many chemicals are involved, working both inside and outside nerve cells.”
    Depression, it is good to note, is not a cookie-cutter disease that develops the same way. Nor does it affect people the same way. A person could have a genetic predisposition, a smaller hippocampus, a traumatic life event, a depressing environment, another disease associated with depression, or any combination of these options. Or something else entirely. Medicines for depression vary in what they “target” in the brain (for example are they dealing with serotonin levels or neurotransmitters, etc.). Thus they affect people different. To say that all medicines are a waste of money is not accurate. Some work for some people, and it nearly always takes trials to figure out the right one for different people.

  3. Autumn Dugger Post author

    I agree that depression could be caused by traumatic events but I do not think it has to do with genetics. Reoccurring pattern of events does not necessarily mean it is due to genetics. A person can live with a family friend their entire life and pick up on their habits because they are in the same environment. I am sorry to hear about your friend and hopefully he will get the help he needs.

  4. Sufian Hadi Abulohom

    I personally think that depression isn’t just a mental disorder, but possibly genetic.
    I have friend who suffers from depression and I know for a fact that his hardships are nothing compared to my hardship. Yet I live a more joyful life and don’t suffer the way he suffers.
    We both grew up in the same environment, most of his our friends are common. He had two family members with depression and they all seek medication and treatment. So my question is WHY?
    Is it because he grew up watching how his uncle and mother react to pain? Or is it because it’s genetic?
    I think it’s a combination. I think that depression can be genetic and can be developed by some traumatic events. It also can be a genetic and a traumatic event triggers that specific gene.
    I’m not sure if there are correctly proven answers, but based on personal experience and a little research, that’s my conclusion.

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