Concussions and Cannabis

Should NFL players trade in their helmets for pot? While the research and evidence highly back up the hypothesis that smoking pot after receiving a concussion could aid in recovery and shorten recovery time, it is hard to say whether or not marijuana could ever be a plausible solution. As cannabis is decriminalized in the United States, the amount of research and experiment possibilities increase and more studies emerge showing the positive effects of medical marijuana on brain injuries. Cannabis has been shown to act as a neuroprotector and to prevent brain deterioration after traumatic brain injuries. This research has caused the NFL to look into the possible benefits of medical marijuana for concussed athletes.

After a brain injury the brain releases chemicals, called glutamates that cause cell degeneration and calcium buildup in the brain; this impairs some basic brain function, and healing. These glutamates are why it can take months to get over a concussion and why you lose basic abilities during a concussion. Experiments on rats have proven that THC, the main chemical in marijuana, can act as an antioxidant to prevent the glutamates from causing damage as well as aid in the process of healing and accelerate cell generation in the brain. They have also shown that rats injected with THC before getting brain injuries were less effected than rats who didn’t have THC in their systems.

Effects of medical marijuana on cancer patients has also showed its ability to ease pain and prevent depression. Which can translate into the easing of headaches for concussed athletes and the decrease in depression caused when athletes can no longer participate. As an athlete in a highly physical sport similar to football, rugby, I can understand how this breakthrough on possible concussion treatment would have a revolutionary effect on athletes everywhere. As medical marijuana is legalized in more states more studies related to marijuana use and concussions can be expected to be released, possibly ending with a new legal treatment for head injuries.




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