
Have you ever wanted to know  what that stuff growing all over your body is?? Did you ever wonder, why it grows or why it doesn’t grow? Well today I’m going to talk about Hair.

Here are two definitions of hair:

Hair “is a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal.” (merriam-webster).

Hair” is the collection or mass filaments growing from the skin, covering parts of the body”.(Hair definition).

So the next question is how hair growth works

“Hair growth begins when a person is still a fetus. It is said that during week 22 of  the pregnancy process a persons hair follicles are all formed on the head. (web md).The hair follicle is underneath the skin, and the hair actually gets nourishment from the blood vessels on our head.(” There are four phases that the hair actually goes through during its growing process over the years. “These phases are the Anagen(growing phase), Categen(transitioning phase), Telogen(resting phase). and the exogen( the new hair phase)”(  When a person is wondering why there hair isn’t growing, its because it depends on the certain phase that there hair is in.  These different phases do not have an exact time span but they do have general ones.

When a person sees hair coming out when they comb it or brush it, that is because the hair is shedding. Just like animals our hair sheds as well. That is because new hair is trying to grow, and the old and dead hair is breaking off.  The lower you go down the hair shaft the weaker the hair is because it has been there the longest. “When the new hair wants to grow the cells inside the follicle divide and more produce. When this occurs the old follicles get pushed out and a new hair is produced.'(How stuff works)

“When a person hits puberty ( The process where the child’s body matures) thats when hair starts to grow and is visible in places such as the armpits, and the upper lip area and so one.'(. How stuff works). Men actually grow more body hair than woman. “Both men and woman have these hormones called androgens, but men have a higher level of it, which makes there body hair grow more and thicker.  The male hormones like testosterone help a mans hair grow, but for both men ad women it depends on genetics to determine how thick and dark ones hair might be.”( How stuff works).

Overall hair is a very interesting thing, because there are so many different kinds of hair that can be talked about, and so many things that one can do with there hair.What also wonder about hair is why, hair starts to change color as we get older, and why sometimes does it fall out. I enjoy looking at all different hair types and just comparing them and seeing the differences between the two of them.

One thought on “Hair

  1. Autumn Dugger

    Hair is a very fascinating topic in our generation. The natural hair movement is trending everywhere now. We even have a new club dedicated to natural hair on campus. The different stages of hair growth are vast and always changing. I am glad that people are starting to take a better interest in their own hair instead of keeping it hidden in weaves and perms. We are growing as a community now and anyone is welcome to participate.

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