Blueberries prevent Alzheimer’s disease

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On a daily basis we tend to undermine how lucky we are to have our memory. A huge fear in many humans is memory loss, or Alzheimer’s disease. According to recent studies, blueberries have a huge impact on brain health. By simply changing our diet and adding a delicious fruit, we can save ourselves from a terrifying future. According to this article, a study has been done on both rats and humans to prove blueberries have a positive impact in preventing memory loss. In the study of rats they found that not only was the memory loss prevented, it was reversed! Once the rats had been on a steady diet for about a month, the improvements kept happening. The University of Cincinatti conducted an experiment with nine people by giving them blueberry juice followed by giving them a memory test. The humans who had the juice scored higher than those who received a placebo (Research Linking Blueberries…).

Alzheimer’s begins about 25 years before you even recognize any symptoms. By adding a healthy dosage of blueberries to your diet, you can prevent yourself from getting this disease later in life (Research Linking Blueberries…). According to the article, other herbs and spices can prevent memory loss as well. Dr. Sabbagh says these include cloves, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, rosemary and thyme; leafy green vegetables; tomatoes; onions and garlic; green tea; whole grains and legumes; and some fish (Research Linking Blueberries…).

Other purple fruits or bright colored fruits and green tea have been said to prevent Alzheimer’s along with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s. These diseases are partly caused by poorly-bonded iron, and the fruit contains iron chelators to bind the iron together more tightly. With iron that is poorly bonded, it can produce dangerous toxins in your body that lead to diseases (Blueberries and Other Purple Fruits…). If adding these simple things to your diet can make this much of a difference in your life why wouldn’t you? Not only is it beneficial to you in the long run, it’s a healthy food option as well. You can get the best of both worlds!


“Research Linking Blueberries to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk Is Strong.”Research Linking Blueberries to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk Is Strong. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

“Blueberries and Other Purple Fruits to Ward off Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

3 thoughts on “Blueberries prevent Alzheimer’s disease

  1. Amanda Reznyk

    As soon as I saw that this article was about Alzheimer’s I had to read it. My grandpa recently passed away from Alzheimer’s, so I found this article to be very interesting. If it’s true that blueberries really do prevent this awful disease, though, why hasn’t the news been more widespread? If it’s true, wouldn’t we be hearing more about it? Personally, this is the first time I’ve heard of this. Just like with cancer it’s pretty annoying how scientists aren’t keeping people up-to-date with new findings and new theories. I don’t know about you but this really upsets me. It’s almost like there hasn’t been any progress at all since we never really hear about it! After reading this blog post, though, I decided to research the blueberry theory myself, and I found

  2. Emily Swope

    I found this article to be extremely interesting because my own grandmother has Alzheimer’s. I was also planning on doing a blog post about Alzheimer’s so I think it’s a great topic. I had no idea that blueberries could be helpful, but I guess it makes sense. There are a lot of different reasons why people can develop the disease and also a lot of speculation about these reasons. For example, some people believe that keeping the mind active can help to decrease the chances of developing the disease. There have also been studies to support this. This article gives some examples of how to keep your mind active.

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