I’m Shrinking?!?

“Go to bed”, three small words that most individuals, at some point in there adolescent years, can attest to having heard. Parents across the glob encourage their children to get a good night sleep, but why? Do parents stress the importance of sleep because they have been taught that sleep improves their child’s mood and overall health, or are they simply trying to obtain a moment of child free peace? Regardless of the many reasons why some parents want their children to “go to bed” recent studies indicate that an inadequate amount of sleep can cause “a more rapid decline in brain volume”.

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In a recent scientific study, European researchers found that individuals who lack an adequate amount of sleep “had a more rapid decline in brain volume or size”.  According to CNN journalist, Val Willingham, “researchers looked at 174 adults between the ages of 20 and 84”. After completing a questionnaire, pertaining to the participants sleep patterns, brain scans were taken of the individuals involved in the study. After 3.5 years, scientists conducted a second round of MRI scans, in order to evaluate weather or not a change in brain volume took place.

After studying the MRI scans, researchers found that “those who slept poorly had a more rapid decline in brain volume” and that “individuals over 60 showed a more drastic decline in brain size, when compared to younger people”.

When asked about the studies results, neurologist, Dr. Neal Maru, justifies the scientists findings, saying “studies have shown poor sleep can cause protein buildup in the brain that attacks brain cells. So we’re still trying to put the puzzle together”. According to Dr. Maru brain atrophy could very well be linked to an individuals lack of adequate rest. While the relation between sleep and brain size may be related, Dr. Maru raises the question “it is a sleep problem that causes the atrophy, or is it the atrophy that causes the sleep problem?”. As of right now scientists are still searching for an answer to Dr. Maru’s thought provoking question.


Willingham, Val. “Lack of Sleep May Shrink Your Brain.” CNN. Cable News Network, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. <http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/04/health/no-sleep-brain-size/index.html?hpt=he_c2>.


2 thoughts on “I’m Shrinking?!?

  1. Ann

    As someone who likes her sleep, your blog caught my eye. In a related note to lack of sleep, there has been a recent study that states that bright lights on at night can lead to depression. So not only does lack of sleep make your brain smaller but also sadder .

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