A Dangerous Alternative?

When you eat too unhealthy for a while, what alternative do you resort to?

When you are very out of shape, what alternative do you resort to?

When you struggle in a class, what alternative do you resort to?

All three of these alternatives have one thing in common: they will do nothing but benefit you. When eating unhealthy, you change your diet to a healthier option such as fruits and vegetables. When you’re out of shape you can go to the gym or play a sport. When you struggle in class, you study more and do well on the next exam. Alternatives in this case are all positive ones.

Electronic (E) cigarettes are designed to help smokers quit smoking cigarettes. They look exactly the same as a regular cigarette, but don’t contain the dangers of tobacco that can be consumed through the burning of cigarettes. They can be disposed, or even reused by use of a battery. It sounds like the perfect way to help lessen the bad habits of smoking cigarettes.

However, this could be argued that it is only an alternative that attempts a benefit. The real question is if it’s actually a safer second option. Unfortunately, there is a lack of research that can detain people from knowing the truth behind e-cigarettes. According to the National Youth Tobacco Study, the percentage of high-school students who have tried e-cigarettes more than doubled from 2011 to 2012. The same study stated that 76% of e-cigarette users (youth) also have tried regular cigarettes.

Now what does this say about e-cigarettes? Are they really an “alternative” to smoking? Or are they just a “gateway drug” to regular cigarettes. It is true that smokers can resort to electronic cigarettes at an attempt to quit smoking regularly, but we also are seeing a trend in which non-smokers begin to smoke cigarettes due to their exposure to e-cigarettes. Also, e-cigarettes aren’t the ideal alternative in that they contain addictive nicotine in them. When you ultimately stop using e-cigarettes, you can experience different symptoms such as irritation, depression, fatigue, and anxiety.

Scientists are still trying to figure out the precise pros and cons in e-cigarettes, but for now, proceed with this alternative with caution





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