Does a glass of red wine a day keep the doctor away?

It seems that everywhere in society we hear that a product is good for you and then a few months later it turns out that the current “fad” actually poses many health risks. There has always been endless controversy surrounding the question of whether or not a daily glass of red wine a day is healthy for someone. Well, according to Fit Day Journal the verdict that has been made is that having a daily glass of red win is in fact healthy.
There is a variety of reasons why it is beneficial for someone to have red wine, in moderation of course. Primarily, it has been proven that red wine helps the heart in more ways than it hurts it. Red wine contains an antioxidant, resveratrol, that has been known to prevent saturated fat as well as cardiovascular disease. Along with this antioxidant, there are flavonoids and sapponins present that can prevent the forming of blood clots. The heart is one of the most important organs in the body but is also extremely fragile. As humans, if we can make the smallest change to make it work better then that is amazing. Although these health consultants encourage this small portion of wine, they also advise people to be cautious with their intake to make sure alcoholism does not develop.
In addition to a glass of red wine being beneficial to the heart, it also has been proven to prevent cancer as well as degenerative diseases such as type II diabetes. IN conclusion, one can support the claim that having a daily glass of red wine does in fact improve your health. That being said, moderation is always key when it comes to the new “fad” so people are encouraged to be mindful of their intake and to know their limit.



One thought on “Does a glass of red wine a day keep the doctor away?

  1. Tiffany Elizabeth Breon

    This is an interesting topic. I learned a while ago that red wine is considered better for you than other types of alcohols because of it’s health benefits. However, seeing as red wine is essentially fermented grapes, couldn’t grape juice provide the same benefits without the threat of alcoholism? Granted, grape juice can be bad for you in excess amount as well but at least you don’t have the potential to get alcohol poisoning if exposed to too much. Here’s the I was looking at.

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