Smarter Mosquitos or Lazier People?

In a recent article from the New York Times, it was reported that more mosquito-bourne illnesses have been popping up in both Japan and the United States. Diseases that are normally accustom to many African nations, and ones that have not been seen in the developed world for over 70 years have been spreading through mosquitos.



This brings up the question of how are these diseases suddenly coming back and how can we stop them from spreading too much? A disease like such that comes back after being gone for so long must mean that the mosquitos are carrying a new strain that is stronger than previous ones and can be carried for longer. With more mosquito-bourne illnesses becoming prevalent in the developed world we can not sit back and assume it won’t infect us. According to a CNN article, “So far this year we’ve recorded eight travel-associated cases, and seven of them have come from countries in the Caribbean where we know the virus is being transmitted.” This is speaking of Chikungunya a disease that causes huge pain in the joints that can last for weeks. Knowing that Chikungunya originated in the Caribbean, and that most of whom have been infected have brought it back with them we must take proper precautions while traveling. Protect yourself while on vacation because you don’t want to be the reason there is a nation-wide Chikungunya epidemic do you?

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