Adderall- Do the benefits outweigh the potential harm?

So Adderall is a hot topic right now among college students in particular and personally being prescribed adderall I was curious what the possible negative effects could be in the long term. Knowing the common side effects such as having trouble falling some nights to me did not outweigh the academic edge that I personally feel adderall gives me. According to Adderall is the tip of the iceberg regarding neuroenhancement technology that is coming. A common trend that they are finding regarding college kids is that they will take adderall in the morning to get going for the day and then drink or smoke pot or other forms of sleeping medications at night to take the edge off and this is causing a dual addiction.

This blog in particular will be discussing Aderall (IR) which stands for instant release. There is also Aderall (XR) which stands for extended release. I personally am prescribed IR so I can give more insight regarding this topic. Reading through h although the website’s name is a little interesting they surprisingly are pretty accurate on the instant release side effects from what I have experienced such as euphoria, loss of appetite, minor head aches, and the ability to study for hours which for me I was never able to do before due to actually having ADHD I had the attention span of a squirrel growing up lol.

Now there are many other ways to treat ADHD in a natural manner such as going to a councilor and eating a clean diet with plenty of exercise but for me personally I did all of those things and still do minus the councilor and I felt like it wasn’t enough for me but for many people it is. Adderall is addicting and at the end of the day you have to be strong enough to not abuse it. The problem with it is that it is very very easy to get prescribed, for my prescription literally I walked in and asked my doctor for some for help in college and he filled me one 5 min later. Now granted he new I had ADHD because it was on record but from my friends who I have talked to they had little trouble getting prescribed also, at the end of the day doctors are trying to make money to and adderall brings in a lot of money for pharmacies.

These two links will provide more information on Adderall IR and XR 



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