Did you know that there is over 200 corpses on Mount Everest? No one dares to move them which has made their bodies landmarks and way points for other climbers attempting to make it to the top. Whether they died because of falling rocks, sub-zero temperatures, or nasty falls, wherever they lay is where they have remained to this very day.
George Mallory, (shown above) was the first to attempt the summit and when he reached the top, he died. This was in 1924. His body is still perfectly preserved in the spot he died in. This interesting fact that I found on this site had me wondering what effects the severe cold and the elements on this mountain have on the human body. How is it possible to freeze in one place like English climber David Sharp did? How have the bodies been preserved for this long? And what defenses does the human body have against the cold?
Some research I did showed that our body has some interesting ways to keep warm. Our muscles and teeth shiver and chatter, we get goose-bumps, blood flow to outer extremities such as the fingers and toes is reduced so as to keep the warm blood circulating in the major organs, and many other things that we aren’t even aware about. An article from BBC explains that the hypothalamus is a gland in our brains that acts as the body’s temperature gage which triggers these and other reactions that help to keep the bodys internal organs as warm as possible.
I was also curious how bodies could be so perfectly preserved. Like this man below who has fell asleep resting against a snow bank that has since then evaporated, yet his body remains in that same position.
It turns out that in order for a preservation like this to happen, conditions must be perfect. Humidity, temperature, and other factors must be put together just right in order for the body to ramin so perfectly intact. A Bodies Dont Die article explains that “When an individual dies in conditions where there is constant snow and ice, there is no way for bacteria to grow or insects to attack the dying remains. The cells are frozen in place and preventing from decaying. It literally arrests the process of decomposition”. (Click here to see full article).
Climbers die due to numerous dangers, most commonly is freezing alive. Often times the adventurers grow tired and sit to have a short break only to fall deeper and deeper into a sleep never to wake up again. Others like Sergei’s and Francy’s death are much more gut wrenching and horrible to read about. If you would like to read some quick summaries of how others like this couple had died, click here. It is extremely interesting, and somewhat disturbing.
here are also some youtube links that explain further:
The whole concept of freezing someone after their death to hopefully save them when our technology is potentially better, based on the science you mentioned, is called cryopreservation. They actually do it in Austin Powers (I believe?). It’s definitely interesting but brings up the issue of immortality and if it’s ethical or not. Kind of like another article on here someone posted about cloning! I don’t think I’d want to live or come alive again after all of my loved ones are gone! It would definitely be sad and I’d feel all alone and confused about the new world. It would definitely be an adjustment.
This is a great blog post. It’s something that I would have never thought about, and that I am very interesting in learning more about.