Don’t skip the one essential step of being healthy

At seven o’clock on Monday last week, I walked into Pollock commons and grabbed a box of captain crunch. With a glass of orange juice, that was my breakfast. As simply as that, for ten minutes while I was eating my breakfast, I wasn’t worrying about the math test I had to take that day. In a word, breakfast saved my morning. And breakfast can save your mornings as well. So now I am trying to let you guys know why we should always have breakfast.


I, personally, never skip breakfast. And I have a good reason for that. 6 years ago, my grandfather went in hospital because of the kidney stone.  My grandfather always seemed healthy and energetic but  I remembered during the time he was hospital, he was so weak that I barely recognized him. When I asked  why my grandfather would get kidney stone, the doctors couldn’t  come into a conclusion at the beginning because my grandfather had a healthy life style. However, doctors soon found out my grandfather never ate breakfast. And skipping breakfast is a main reason why people get kidney stone.

According to a study form Harvard University, each day 31 million Americans skip their breakfast which means 1 of ten Americans skip the one essential step of being healthy every day. Why do I say that? If you are trying to lose weight, you should know that people who skip breakfast  on a regular bases will 4.2 points more likely to be obsess than those who eat breakfast everyday. Those who ate cereal occasionally have a 13% higher risk of being overweight compared to the regular cereal eaters.   Another research group analyzed government data on 4,200 adults. They found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly. And women who ate breakfast regularly tended to eat fewer calories overall during the day. Those men and women who ate breakfast cereal had lower overall fat intake — compared to those who ate other breakfast foods. If you have concentration problem, you should also know that adults who ate breakfast enjoyed increased concentration and productivity.  For students who eat breakfast, they tend to perform better in school and they have better eye-hand coordination, increased ability to concentrate, better problem solving skills and are more alert and creative.  What’s more, Eating breakfast will help you make better food choice. Breakfast is a good opportunity to take in important nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and fiber and breakfast provides good fuel for your brain to have better in academic performance. It also sets a good nutritional tone for the rest of the day.

6 thoughts on “Don’t skip the one essential step of being healthy

  1. Chelsea Jaye Silbiger

    I was shocked to learn that eating breakfast can lesson your chance of getting a kidney stone. I have always been someone who never found time or the need to eat a good breakfast. After reading about your findings I was surprised to learn that I am one of the “31 million Americans who skip breakfast”. Check out this link there are several quick, easy and healthy ideas for a breakfast on the go.

  2. Abigail Charlotte Ventosa

    Wow, I’m so glad i saw this. I have early morning classes and never eat breakfast, but I definitely experience all the problems you’ve stated.

  3. Mary-frances Grosholz Edwards

    I’m definitely guilty of skipping breakfast in the morning but mostly because when I wake up my body isn’t hungry yet, but I was shocked to hear the story of your grandfather considering I didn’t know there was any correlation between kidney stones and not eating breakfast. I knew that people had always told me that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and that eating breakfast keeps you more alert during school and just everyday life, but I liked how you gave statistics to back up the healthy eating habits of people who regularly ate breakfast. Nowadays, I try my hardest to have a little something to eat before I go to class or atleast carry something in my backpack for when I get hungry and I think it’s important to emphasize the importance of eating breakfast because a lot of people aren’t aware.

  4. Emily Swope

    My parents always tell me I need to eat breakfast, but I never understood why. This makes a lot of sense and I definitely don’t want to get kidney stones. I’ve actually been putting in a lot more effort to make sure I eat at the beginning of every day. I understand that the study you reported says that people who eat breakfast more exercise more, but could it just be that these people overall are more cautious of having a healthy lifestyle? Therefore they would naturally pick to eat breakfast and also to exercise. I think that all of the other studies really prove that there is a connection, though.

  5. Taylor Michael Evcic

    I don’t know how anyone goes without eating breakfast! Before I leave my dorm in the morning I am sure to grab something like a granola bar or piece of fruit just to get my day going. Health magazine did an article on some of the best foods to start your day with!,,20676415,00.html This helps to give good examples of what will set your diet on the right track for the day. Chances are if you start out in a healthy and smart way, your day will continue that way.

  6. Stephanie Rose Polinak

    I’m really glad you posted this! I never eat breakfast even though I’ve been told over and over again that it’s really important but never told exactly why. I face a lot of the problems you pointed out such as not being able to concentrate and not having a lot of energy throughout the day. I definitely have to take all these positive affects of breakfast into consideration! I’m looking forward to your next post.

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