Can Sex Make You Smarter?

I think we can all agree that sex is something  we all think about, some more than others. I was searching on the web and I was thinking how it could effect your brain on the intellectual aspect. It turns out that sex does actually make you smarter. Im not saying if you’re slipping in a class or having trouble in school to go out and start having sex by any means. I just find it very interesting that sex does actually play a role in our brain. Scientists in both Maryland and South Korea did a study on mice and rats and found out that it did indeed prove their performance mentally. Not only did it improve their mental status but it also improved their memory. A 2007 study was given to boys of both average and below average intelligence. Researchers tested the testosterone in the saliva of these boys and discovered that the boys with average intelligence did indeed have a higher testosterone level. Sex is also known to help with stress and upon reading this article can also help with ones’ memory. Researchers also looked at pornography and tried to figure out if it was harmful to the brain. A study at the University of Texas was conducted and later disputed as having little evidence to support this fact. I said earlier that sex could be beneficial to the brain but this does not mean that if you are a genius you will have more sex. Studies showed that people with above average IQ will wait a longer time to engage in sexual activities. I’m not trying to scare anyone on this next statistic or put bad images in someones head but the next statistic involved the elderly. People with Alzheimer’s were less likely to engage in sex anymore. Although sex may make you smarter it was not encouraged as we all know. Training your brain and studying hard is the safest way to get smarter.


4 thoughts on “Can Sex Make You Smarter?

  1. Kelsey Huber

    This is an interesting topic to bring up in regards to reverse correlation . It is apparent that having sex makes you smarter, but does being smarter mean you will have more sex? As much as some people would like to believe that, I think that is completely false. It is more plausible that having sex can make a person smarter due to the production of the new neurons, but there is no reason that being smarter increases sex? It can be beneficial to some to increase their sexual activity as listed in this article

  2. Chloe Atherton Cullen

    This is really interesting and, I thought at least, a bold subject to tackle. I know you don’t have the answers here since you didn’t conduct the study, but you said that the boys with above-average IQs have higher testosterone levels. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they are having sex though. Especially since it was clearly boys who are undergoing the study, it would be weird to approach the subjects being like “go have sex with this stranger and then take a test to track your mental performance,” the way they can do for mice. Something about that seems unethical, but maybe that’s just me. Could there be other ways to conduct these experiments? And since we have deeper emotional connections during sex, could our results be different than animal reactions to the tests? Things to think about, thanks for the captivating article.

  3. Marissa Alexandra Rapaport

    This is a very interesting post. Thinking about it, it makes sense that Alzheimer’s patients would not engage in sex because they mentally regress back to their innocent stages in life. Also, you mention only males in your post. Does engaging in sexual activity also raise the IQ for women, too?

  4. Charlotte Moriarty

    Interesting blog post. I’m curious how were studies able to test mice sexual activity? Could you elaborate?

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