Ebola The Deadly Virus

Hello Everyone!

 I decided to do an article on the deadly virus Ebola. I first learned of Ebola while reading the book titled The Hot Zone. Ebola has recently made national news not only in the United States but also the world. Ebola is a virus that causes one to bleed on the inside and outside ones’ body. Once a person has the virus the body starts to break down and it causes the immune system to shut down. Ebola once inside a persons body, has a very deadly effect. Statistics show that once someone has the virus it has a 90% mortality rate. Ebola was first contacted in Africa. If the virus reaches the United States strong safety procedures are in place to contain the virus. Safety procedures are held on airline flights and airline personnel are trained on identifying a person who has the virus. Ebola is spread to other people by skin contact, infected needles, or other surfaces and it is important to note it is not an airborne virus. First a person will experience flu like symptoms and eventually the virus will cause bleeding internally. Doctors will test for other illnesses before they diagnose someone with the Ebola virus. Anyone who is known to have the Ebola virus will basically be cut off from the outside world.



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