The question that many people our age have. Is weed or marijuana dangerous or is it harmless? Many people believe that weed is harmless because it is a plant and it shouldn’t cause cancer. Many studies say otherwise. In this link,, the article says that marijuana smoke contains 50-70% more cancer causing substances than tobaccos smoke. That is very intriguing because you would think that it shouldn’t be too bad since it is only a plant.
Marijuana smokers believe that weed is healthy for you and it brigs relaxation to the mind and soul. It makes one more peaceful within themselves and it isn’t that serious of a drug. They may be wrong. According to the article one cannabis joint could cause as much damage to the lungsĀ as 5 cigarettes smoked one after the other. That sounds pretty bad.
Everyone knows that marijuana causes a lack of physical coordination and also depression or sleepiness. It may also cause laziness. This is not a fact, but I have noticed different effects that marijuana has caused. What I have observed is that the more people smoke, the more they become lazy with their lives. What I mean Is that, they never want to do anything or go to school. They make up excuses as to why they do not want to do something and end up not doing anything. Not all marijuana smokers are like that though, just the ones that I have encountered.
Anyways, also in this article, it says that marijuana changes the structure of sperm cells and deforms them. Also, marijuana can upset a woman’s menstrual cycle, which isn’t that good. Studies in this article also show that the mental functions of people who have smoked marijuana tend to b diminished. It really makes you think, is it worth the high ?
I have a neutral opinion about this topic, but I want to hear what everyone has to say. Do you think marijuana can be dangerous to you?
Well, that is why I asked what other people thought about this topic. Actually, most of my friends smoke weed, therefore I do know things about it. I was just making an observation about the people that do smoke it. Many people have different experiences with that and as you can see, I didn’t say that ALL marijuana users are “lazy”. The article may or may not be true, but again that is why I asked for other people’s opinion. It really isn’t that serious. I was just bringing up a very interesting debate that people on either sides would discuss. Thank you!
Your post mainly discusses the negative effects of smoking marijuana but it also has so positive effects on your body. You should check out this business insider article it discusses some of the benefits of smoking marijuana.
My biggest problem with marijuana, personally, is the loss of motivation. Sure, the health consequences might not be too bad, and I actually feel like it should be legalized. However, too many of my friends who smoke simply lose the motivation to do anything productive with their time. They constantly want to relax and smoke a bowl, rather than working or going out. While marijuana is not a strongly addictive drug, people enjoy it enough to do it regularly.
As with most things, moderation is better than using it too little or too much. It should be legalized and used very occasionally as a recreational drug. In my perfect world, there would be a way to limit how much marijuana one would be allowed to buy and/or smoke.
Another interesting debate–what’s worse alcohol use or marijuana use? I’m sure we’ve all heard the extremely tragic tales of those who have died due to alcohol poisoning or alcohol related accidents. But I’m not sure you could say the same for marijuana use.
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana”
I’m not sure how valid any of the stuff in this article is. But I’m not going to get into it. I just say a few things:
1) There’s no physical dependence attached to weed meaning withdrawal symptoms do not exist when marijuana users go long stretches without smoking.
2) Whether one joint equals 5 cigarettes is true or not, generally cigarette smokers smoke 10-20 cigs a day. Hardly any weed smokers smoke that much pot in one week let alone one day.
3) Weed does not make people lazy. I haven’t encountered any weed smokers who are lazy because of weed. These people who you think are lazy because of weed are guaranteed just as lazy when they’re not high. And I’m sure I’ve been around a lot more pot smokers than you.
4) That last bit about weed harming sperm cells is outrageous. My dad was a pot user and I’m a great looking, healthy kid.
Don’t mean to be rude I just think people who don’t smoke weed themselves or don’t know much about shouldn’t believe everything they read. The internet can be a very deceiving place. I’d be more than glad to hear anything you have to say.
This is really interesting because it’s a very debatable topic. Many view the negatives affects of marijuana based off how maybe people they have encountered act when being “high”. However, what many lack to realize is the medical benefits it has caused for patients with MS, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, epilepsy, glaucoma, depression, anxiety, hepatitis C, cancer, HIV/AIDS and many more. I feel as though medical marijuana is not dangerous for you and is actually more beneficial than people think. As for those who have marijuana other than for medical use than that may be a different story, however considering it is a plant and not a chemically made drug, I feel that the benefits out weigh the negative affects. Check this site out to see a deeper description of the benefits of marijuana.
I would be interested to hear the studies and logic behind some of these facts. I’ve never heard marijuana to disrupt a menstrual cycle. It’s unclear what you mean by “isn’t that good” but it provokes an interesting debate.