Men Are Actually More Emotional Than Women

When it comes to being upset, happy, or irritated, we tend to believe that women are naturally more emotional than men. We expect men to toughen out whatever rough situation they are in and move on from it as soon as it happens. Society deems it socially unacceptable for men to show any sign of sadness or weakness. But just because men are not as up front about their emotions as women, are they incapable of feeling the same emotions that women do and to the same extent?


It turns out that men are in turn more emotional than women. As bizarre as this may seem, a study was conducted to show that men feel just as much emotion that women do and they sometimes feel these emotions more strongly. In this study, certain images and videos were presented to 15 mothers and 15 fathers. These images and videos contained various types of scenarios that were intended to inflict emotions of excitement, humor, and warm-heartedness. Skin conductance electrodes were used to measure the physiological reactions of the group of mothers and fathers. The results showed that men had a higher emotional reaction to the humorous content and were twice as emotional as the women when the heartfelt content was displayed to them.

After conducting the study, the men were required to fill out a questionnaire in which they were asked if they felt more emotional than the women. Despite the fact that the men claimed they felt less emotion than the women, their physiological reactions proved that they actually felt emotion more strongly. Furthermore, an additional survey was given to 2,000 men and 67% reported that they were more emotional than they appeared.

This study suggests that men can be just as emotional as women and can sometimes feel emotion more strongly however they are less likely to express these emotions due to the kind of person society expects them to be. But why is it that women tend to be viewed as being more emotional than men? The answer it that women openly express their emotions while men keep it to themselves. It is socially acceptable for women to break down in front of their friends, have “weak moments,” or attribute whatever they are feeling to their menstrual cycle. However for men, there is no excuse. Our society does not tolerate men crying or feeling heartfelt about something. Despite the tough “alpha male” personality that men are expected to adhere to, they have a soft interior and are certainly capable of feeling the same types of emotions that women do and to an even greater extent.


4 thoughts on “Men Are Actually More Emotional Than Women

  1. Katerina Economikos Post author

    Lauren, that article was very interesting and definitely further supports the idea that men are more emotional than women. I find it intriguing that boys are more susceptible to miscarriage, birth defects, and developmental disabilities. It is said that women live longer than men because they develop cardiovascular diseases later than men. Stress plays an important role in cardiovascular disease therefore it makes sense that men develop them sooner than women. Men do not express their stress the way women do which can have a harmful impact on their health in the long run.,8599,1827162,00.html

  2. Lauren Marie Freid

    I have been waiting for someone to bring this topic up! There is this certain stereotype that girls are way more emotional than guys and guys should be tough and not show emotion. I think we should just let people feel what they want to feel without judging them. I completely agree that men are more emotional than women, but just don’t show it as much. I like how you included the surgery because it does prove that men feel more, but don’ express it. Below is an interesting article I found that talks about why men are more emotional than women and even says men are now more willing to settle down and marry faster than women.

  3. Adam Greene

    I actually completely agree that men are more emotional than woman. From personal experience, I have seen myself get more emotional than my own girlfriend at times. There has been a bunch of occasions when we would watch a sad movie or get into a huge fight and I am always the one who ends up crying more or gets more sad! It stinks, but now that I have read this article, it makes sense. Also, this article can be interpreted differently based on the person who is reading this. I would think that this is true because I am scrawny, but a professional boxer or wrestler (who is jacked and more manly) would most likely feel differently. Great work!

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    Here is another funny link that you would enjoy (as a little joke!):

  4. Adam Greene

    I actually completely agree that men are more emotional than woman. From personal experience, I have seen myself get more emotional than my own girlfriend at times. There has been a bunch of occasions when we would watch a sad movie or get into a huge fight and I am always the one who ends up crying more or gets more sad! It stinks, but now that I have read this article, it makes sense. Also, this article can be interpreted differently based on the person who is reading this. I would think that this is true because I am scrawny, but a professional boxer or wrestler (who is jacked and more manly) would most likely feel differently. Great work!

    Check out this link:–theyre-just-also-better-at-hiding-it-9532945.html

    Here is another funny link that you would enjoy (as a little joke!):

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