There have been many lists of natural aphrodisiacs. People have pointed out the top three, bottom three and so forth. The one that happens to have caught my attention is the oyster. Although I am a seafood lover, I stay far far away from oysters and clams. The slimy look and the size is so unappealing to me but when hearing the affect they tend to have on people regarding sexual desire, I was intrigued. I don’t mean intrigued like wanting to try it but intrigued like wanting to know more and wondering if it was just a myth or not. After all, I have watched my brothers eat plenty of these oysters and the thought of them being sexually aroused afterwards kind of disgusts me!
After researching the topic, I found the outcome I predicted. There is NO scientific evidence proving that oysters increase sexual drive in humans. In fact, many scientists and doctors say that “It very well could be that psychologically people want to greater sexual drive by eating oysters, they want to believe it so much, that they willed themselves to do so.”
This well known accusation originated from Greek mythology and the label, aphrodisiac, comes from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. She was a beautiful goddess said to be born by the sea. Throughout history, this caused people to believe that anything born by the sea had aphrodisiac effects. Later on, people began to shave away at parts of the myth and began to think that anything that tends to resemble genitalia causes sexual drive in humans after consumption. This all leads back to the human mind acting as the greatest aphrodisiac itself. Humans will sometimes be so allured by a claim that they want to just find out themselves. When one actually tries the oyster, the outcome they expect is to feel some sort of sexual sensation and arousal, when in fact, it’s all a mind game. For humans attracted to female genitalia, the oyster might act as one of the best “aphrodisiacs” while those who are attracted to male genitalia may have another list of their top choices. Resemblance in all aspects plays a huge part in this “mind game”.