Chemotherapy, will it save you or kill you?

Chemotherapy is one of the most used methods to “cure cancer” but what many people doesn’t know is that chemotherapy can kill a person prematurely.

Scientist and researchers were conducting a study seeking to explain why cancer cells are so resilient in the body when they are so easy to kill inside the lab. Unexpectedly, the found that in this kind of therapy, that kills both healthy cells and cancerous cell, healthy cells release a protein called WNT16B that sustains tumor growth and resistance to further treatment. “The WNT16B, would interact with tumor cells and cause them to grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy.” Peter Nelson, the Freud Hutchison Cancer Research Center. They also explain how the protein would spread and the tumors would take it and this would cause them to grow.

Although is some cases chemotherapy can eliminate a cancer tumor completely, and the person would be cancer free we also have to know that almost everything has its consequences and costs. There has been more studies saying that a lot of people would have cancer in 2018, here I’m going to give some tips on how to prevent cancer:

  1. Watch your weight
  2. Be active
  3. Avoid sugar an processed foods.
  4. Eat healthy
  5. Red meat is good, but you should limit the amour of red meat you take.
  6. I know I sad earlier that alcohol was beneficial to prevent heart disease, but is bad for cancer.
  7. Reduce salt
  8. Balance your diet
  9. Vitamins are good.
  10. Maybe nor now, but if you ever have a child breastfeeding can limit you rick of having great cancer.


3 thoughts on “Chemotherapy, will it save you or kill you?

  1. Natalie Michelle Soltero Cabrera Post author

    I agree with you all, the risks of having cancer are not going to fade just by following the list. But it might help you be healthier and if you are healthier, your chances of having cancer decreased.

  2. Brittney Ann Strazza

    I think that the list you provided was helpful guide lines for someone looking to decrease their chance of getting cancer but if you follow all these rules not getting cancer is not guaranteed. I believe that sometimes chemo is just as bad for you as cancer is. Although you have the chance of killing the cancer, nothing is promised besides a miserable time while going through chemo.

  3. Amanda Reznyk

    This was definitely an interesting article to read considering I know of several people who have/had cancer. However, I disagree with the list you included on ways you can prevent cancer. Of course it’s inevitable that there are things you can do to lessen your chances of getting cancer, but what if your mother or grandmother had breast cancer? This increases your chances of then getting breast cancer, too, and you can’t prevent this from happening. As much as I would like to believe that there are ways you can prevent cancer, I don’t think you can.

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