Health Benefits of Green Tea

Every morning before my 9 am I go to Starbucks and purchase an iced green tea. I do it because it gets me out of bed, wakes me up, and I think it tastes good. However, the other day I was drinking my daily glass of it and I began wondering if anything good comes from drinking green tea. I looked it up and was quite happy with my findings.

“It’s the healthiest thing I can think of to drink,” says Christopher Ochner, PhD. Green tea is rich in catechin content, which are antioxidants that prevent damage to human cells. Green tea has been shown to improve blood flow. It is also very good for the heart and prevents many heart-related diseases, such as heart failure. In some studies, this tea has even been shown to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Sipping tea helps one to relax and to calm down. The reason why green tea provides relaxation is because the large amounts of theanine it contains. Theanine is an amino acid that is known for its positive effects on anxiety.

Next time I am sipping my green tea I will be happy to know I am also creating a healthier me.

2 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Green Tea

  1. Rebecca Sorensen

    I love this post because green tea is probably the best drink there is. It offers so many benefits, and actually tastes good. It always seems like drinks that are good for you never taste as good and you have to force them down, but green tea is actually delicious and there is not one bad thing about it. It is good for your health, for weight loss, and as you said it improves blood flow and is very beneficial for the heart. This is definitely a great post and I think it is important for people to know how beneficial green tea can be for their health.

  2. Jacqueline Elena Wilkinson

    Its good to know that something so delicious is healthy for you! I read ( that green tea also aids in the development of thinking skills and may also even prevent bladder cancer. Obviously if consumed excessively, then detriments to the body may occur because of the caffeine. Yet when consumed in moderation, green tea seems to be a beneficial treat.

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