How do microwaves work?

We all use microwaves, they are in every single dorm room in east and almost every house in America so how do they work?



Its fascinating that our food can be heated up in a matter of seconds. So how do microwaves work? Witchcraft, a small dragon that breathes fire on your food while it is inside. Well as you may be able to tell, neither of these are how your food gets heated up. To my surprise neither of these are the ways that microwaves work.

Microwaves use radio waves that are set at a specific frequency. These radio waves cause the water molecules in food to vibrate. The vibration causes the food to heat up extremely quickly. When food is put in a conventional oven the heat moves from the outside of the food to the inside which is why the conventional oven takes more time.

The radio waves that are sent through your food can pass through ceramic plates and glass bowls without causing the plates to explode. This is convientient because only the food gets heated up and the plate does not explode or blow up. Also the microwave process does not reduce the nutritional value of the food, this was just a rumor that went around years ago.

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One thought on “How do microwaves work?

  1. Jacqueline Elena Wilkinson

    If only microscopic dragons actually breathed fire onto my ramen when I put it in the microwave..sigh. On the subject of microwaves, I’ve just started wondering about the danger of standing beside the microwave when using it. After a little research, it turns out there is no factual basis to the claim that it is even detrimental. I read in an article ( that although there is in fact radiation leaked by microwaves, this level of radiation is actually too low to have any damaging effect on the DNA in our cells.

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