Is global warming real and does it cause a threat to our current society?

Global warming is the gradual heating of the earth and it’s atmosphere. Since the ice age, the planet’s temperature has been increasing; however, the numbers really started to explode after the industrial revolution. At this point in time, a ton of toxins were set free into the atmosphere from factories and power plants. These chemicals being burned caused CO2 and other greenhouse gases to begin destroying our ozone layer. The answer to global warming would be to somehow reverse the industrial revolution, or at least use more renewable sources of energy rather than coal, steam, and nuclear energy.

Some people believe that there is no way global warming can affect us in this lifetime. Religious folks may argue that God created this planet and all of the planets for a reason and he has them under control. Others think that the earth’s temperature can change drastically over periods of time; hence, the ice age. They believe man made inventionsĀ and greenhouse gases couldn’t possibly be depleting our ozone layer because global warming doesn’t exist. It has also been discussed that correlation does not equal causation. This means that an increase in temperature and an increase in CO2 levels don’t exactly mean that one causes the other. It can just be coincidental.

I’m quite sure that global warming does exist. You can see the air pollution that come out of cars and factories. It makes the air harder to breathe and you can see the chemicals going into our atmosphere. It’s no surprise to me that global warming is taking place. If we don’t change the way we live soon, polar bears won’t be the only mammals going extinct. Humans could become extinct as well. If the sun depletes our atmosphere enough, we will not be able to survive in such high temperatures.


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